Fun Foto Friday - R.E.M.

Working at The Museum of TV & Radio wasn't good for my bank account but what it lacked in pay, it more then made up for in fun experiences. Since we had a working radio booth, one year (sorry I can't remember when) instead of touring different radio stations R.E.M. did all of their radio interviews from the museum. They spent a week there and it was awesome to get to hang out, watch them do sound check, perform (they played for a small audience that I was a part of, squee!), listen to them interact and just soak up the awesomeness of being so close to them.

While stationed in Korea, the only tv option we had was the military one, AFKN (where I worked) so we didn't watch a lot of tv. I used to watch my R.E.M. concert video all of the time. I think I still have it in a box back in the shed.

I didn't say anything to the guys all week about watching their video over and over again until the last day. I just had to get my picture with them (we weren't supposed to bother the talent but rules were meant to be broken, or at least bent) and when I finally told them about how much I loved them, they were like, why didn't you say anything earlier? I was being a professional. The photo of me and Michael Stipe was taken after the very last interview was done, he was exhausted and ready to go home but he stopped to take this pic with me. I love when famous people exceed expectations (maybe next week I'll share a photo of someone who disappointed). I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for these guys.

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