Last night I caught up on Supernatural with last week's and this week's episode. So far am loving this season. Thrilled that it's already been renewed for next season.
My fave from last night:
Dean telling Sam why he is the one who will do the 3 trials to close the gates to Hell:
I want you to have a life — become a Men of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids and grandkids, living until you’re fat and bald and chugging Viagra. That is my perfect ending and that’s the only one I’m going to get. So I’m going to do these trials, and I’m going to do them alone. End of story.”
At the end of the ep when Sam saved Dean and did the first trial, Dean wanted to re-do the trial but this was his response:
At the end of the ep when Sam saved Dean and did the first trial, Dean wanted to re-do the trial but this was his response:
Sam: “I see light at the end of this tunnel and I’m sorry you don’t. I am. But it’s there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it.”
Dean: “Sam, be smart.”
Sam: “I am smart, Dean, and so are you. You’re not a grunt, Dean; you’re a genius — when it comes to lore, to– You’re the best damn hunter I’ve ever seen — better than me, better than Dad. I believe in you, Dean. So please, please believe in me, too.”
Dean: “Sam, be smart.”
Sam: “I am smart, Dean, and so are you. You’re not a grunt, Dean; you’re a genius — when it comes to lore, to– You’re the best damn hunter I’ve ever seen — better than me, better than Dad. I believe in you, Dean. So please, please believe in me, too.”
I just love moments like this, makes my heart melt. Happy Valentines!