Temple of the Gods

After spending basically 3 days traveling, we decided to stay close to home and just relax. I woke up and read while the girls slept in. Since we had no schedule Su and Nancy slept in while Sharon wandered off to get coffee. Once we were all up and about we ate a breakfast of yogurt, oatmeal (Nancy) and fresh cut up fruit. We bought more then just drinks at the market the previous night. We sat out on our terrace and listened to the sea as we began our day.

The view from our terrace. 

Then we decided to go snorkeling. I haven't snorkeled since Maui. I'm not a good swimmer. In Maui they had these ski belts that people used for snorkeling. I loved it. I wanted to buy one to take with me (we brought our snorkel gear, nowhere to rent it here) but I waited too late so I ended up buying a snorkel vest. I don't like it as much as the belt, keeps me too high on the water and floats up to my neck but at least I wasn't going to drown. It's very rocky where we are so under the water is just small columns of rock formations. Pretty cool but not a lot of fish activity like we saw in Maui.

Linda had told us about a place nearby that had three pools. While I love the beauty of the sea, I'm a pool girl at heart. Way more relaxing and you don't have to worry about sand getting where it shouldn't be. We decided to head there for the day, it was a less then 10 minute drive away. I'm awful with names here since the way things are pronounced and spelled are totally different but it turns out this was a resort that you drive halfway up the mountain to get to. The view below is stunning (sorry I took those pics with my other camera). We just called this place The Temple of the Gods.

Since its offseason (by a week or two so weather is still great), the only people at the pool for most of the day was the staff. First order of business was ordering drinks and food. We told them to take their time making it and we got comfortable. Because it was empty, when the waitress was bringing the food, we knew it was for us:)

The salad wasn't much to look at but it was delicious. I was craving a salad that day. Our other favorite dish was the shrimp with orzo.

Once we finished out drinks and lunch I tried to read but was way too lethargic. I pulled my chair under the umbrella and proceeded to take a nap while the others read and played in the pool. When I woke up there was a shot of something tasty the bartender had sent over. It was originally frozen but by the time I got it, it wasn't. I still drank it. Don't know what it was but it was good. I spent the rest of the afternoon reading and gabbing with the girls poolside. It gets windy here which helps keep the bugs away and keep it from getting too hot so while it was a warm day it was still comfortable.

When we were ready to eat we headed back to the village. We have been eating family style so that we can try everything. We planned on eating some light tapas and then having dinner around 10pm but when we made that plan it was 5pm and when we got to the restaurant it was 7pm so we decided to eat a full meal. I have to say, this was a disappointing meal, the food wasn't as good and our waiter while at first was funny became a grump. We didn't like him which also soured our meal. A lot of what we wanted they didn't have, the bad part about being offseason.

I was able to get online while at dinner but the rest if the girls couldn't because we had left the other passwords at home. We could get 3 hours Internet time for 1 euro but didn't realize the pw only worked on one device so the girls went back into town to check their emails and such while I took a nap and worked on a blog post. After I finished writing it I headed off to join the girls and post my blog but they were coming back. Su went with me to keep me company while I posted. Since I have to write my posts on my phone I had Su read it for typos and while she was, our waiter from earlier came over and invited us for a drink on him. It would have been rude to say no.

We had thought he didn't like us but turns out his English isn't very good so it was just miscommunication on our part. That means Greece is batting a 100 when it comes to the people and their friendliness. Due to the language difference I think he thinks we wanted him to take us around. We were just asking him where he likes to go. So now we have plans to join him for a drink at the Temple of the Gods after he gets off of work today. How do we get ourselves into these things?

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