Kirstie Alley has a new tell all book called "The Art of Men (I Prefer Mine al Dente). I've always loved her and her ball busting humor and I love a nice juicy Hollywood read. I find biographies fascinating, especially of actors and actresses, they live such different lives then us but I have to say, from the press she's been doing on this book, it's left a bad taste in my mouth.
I guess because I'm not big on kissing and telling. I'm sure some people still think I'm a virgin, ok, maybe not. It's one thing to talk about someone who is alive, like John Travolta who she calls the love of her life (I honestly don't believe it, I think she's trying to help his reputation but that's just me) but she has been giving interviews all over the place talking about how her and Patrick Swayze fell in love on the set of North and South (side note: I loved that miniseries!).
Not only has he passed away, he was married at the time this emotional affair supposedly happened and so was she. If she wants to talk about wanting to leave her husband for him that's fine but I don't agree with dragging his name thru the mud, saying he wanted her to leave her husband when he was very much married and still married to Lisa Niemi.
Here's a link to part of her interview with Barbara Walters. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Kirstie Alley Interview: 'Dancing With the Stars' Champion Discusses New Memoir with Barbara Walters | Video - ABC News