Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2 is coming out this week. I wasn't interested in reading the books, I've read some fantastic books featuring vampires, werewolves, etc. and while Twilight had a lot of buzz, among my fellow readers I was told it didn't compare to the books I already read (and I already admitted to being a book snob).
I did check out the movie when it came out on DVD because my sister loved it. I was unimpressed. Then about 6 months ago we did a Twilight Marathon at my sister's, and the movies weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. I know, what a rave, LOL. Once the last movie comes out on DVD I'm sure I'll watch it at my sisters house. She won't give me a choice.

While I'm not a huge fan I can appreciate the fact that Twilight made a lot of people readers who don't normally read. My sister isn't a huge reader yet after she saw the movie she devoured the books. I've talked to people who discovered or re-discovered a love of reading because they picked up the books after the first movie. I love hearing stories like that.
My nephew hates to read. He's never had any interest. I'm always trying to find THE BOOK that will help him discover the love I've always had for reading beginning with Heidi. I don't think Twilight is the book to do that but I love that it exists and thanks to these books, more people will be reading.
Are you Twi-Hard or Hardly-Twi? Team Jacob or Team Edward? Forget Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, give me Billy Burke!