About Last Night… Wednesday edition

Supernatural went on their mid-season hiatus and I have to say, I wasn't wowed by tonight's episode or cliffhanger. Doesn't make me countdown the days until it's return. Maybe if they had done a better job of making me care about Sam and Amelia, but I don't and because of that, the ending was weak sauce to me. 

I hear it all the time online how awful Supernatural is when it comes to women and I think I have to agree. I am a total romantic so I should love it when Sam and Dean are in a relationship but whenever they bring on a female for more then one episode the chick makes whoever they're involved with weaker, and we don't want to see the Winchester brothers weak. We want them alpha and bad ass but with a soft emotional center. Same thing with Dean and Lisa, no interest at all. My favorite girl for the boys was Bella who apparently the fan base hated. She was strong and she kept the boys on their toes. I was looking forward to her hooking up with Dean, it never happened. I am enjoying Dean's relationship with Benny, thought that was wrapped up a little early in the ep, should have known better. I think Sam is jealous of their relationship. He should be. Course, those we love the most also have the ability to hurt us the most.

American Horror Story: Asylum was as cray cray as usual. Nancy watched it with me so I didn't have to watch the whole episode from between my fingers. Ian McShane gives a whole new meaning to the term Bad Santa. I'm thinking it's a bad call to not kill Bloody Face. That cage doesn't look too secure to me. Even though Sister Jude wielded the cane on many a bottom I still felt bad for her but good for her for taking care of business, next week doesn't bode well for her but then again, it doesn't bode well for anyone.

Top Chef: Seattle was so bad it was good. The cheftestants had to work in pairs, always the kiss of death for some unlucky chef, to create delicious dishes from unique ingredients in Pike Place Market. The chefs forgot about the word delicious. The meal was so bad that the judges were embarrassed and actually apologized to their lunch guests. Ouch! Tom was so ticked that they decided not to award a winning team  $10,000 because no one deserved it. Even my favorite gal, Kristen underwhelmed. Her team had cheese curds so they served it three ways, raw, as a cream sauce and fried. My love for cheese has no bounds and I was disappointed at the thought of what they were doing. 

The most painful moment of the night came when the bottom three teams were walking out of the judges room and CJ asked about a dish that wasn't in the bottom 3. He threw it under the bus talking about how awful it was, their response, well yours was worse. Snap! In the end CJ and his partner went home for being boring and bad. They had a spicy pickle so they made a pork burger, that didn't look appetizing and put a fried pickle on top. That was how they showed off their ingredient. They most certainly deserved to go home. This is Top Chef, I could have done something better with a pickle!

Hmmm what would my pickle dish have been? I really do enjoy pickles with ham and cream cheese wrapped around it. Or how about making a pickle chutney as an accompaniment to pork? A little more work then my roll ups but hey, it's Top Chef. How would you have served the pickle? Yeah, that's a little dirty:)

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