Sorry I haven't been blogging as much as usual. I don't normally have insomnia for more then a day but this last bought has been going on for weeks and you all know, even under the best of circumstances I don't have energy, factor in not being able to get to sleep and I'm a walking zombie. Hopefully this passes soon. A girl needs her sleep. My plan is to shut down the computer sooner and read a book, it won't help me shut down my brain, if I'm reading a great book I'll keep reading but at least I'll be spending those wee hours into the morning catching up on my reading.
Now on to the fun stuff! First finale on the list is Survivor. I watched the first couple of episodes this season and then jumped right to the finale. If nothing else is on, I'll watch the finale of Survivor because I usually follow the recaps online even if I don't watch and since nothing else was on, I watched all 3 hours. Wow, they really drag it out. I think the reunion show flies by the actual final 2 hours of the show has a lot of filler in it.

I was rooting for Lisa Whelchel all the way. How could I not? Unlike most of the cast of the show, I would have known who she was the entire time. Would have been fun to talk to her about The Facts of Life and George Clooney.
I was surprised she lasted as long as she did based on the early episodes, guess you don't mess with Blair Warner! She even had some game play in her. You go girl!
After he got off the sinking ship of his original tribe, Malcolm had the game firmly in hand. Too bad he go too cocky. I always liked him but his refusal to take Denise to the final 3 led to his demise. If he had just told her he was taking her he could have forced a tie. That's the problem with this show. It's all about the alliances, if he would have kept his and not gone all cock of the walk, he would have had a shot at the million. Instead all of those votes that would have gone to him went to Denise, the only person in Survivor history to have gone to every tribal council.
At least I can console myself with the fact that Lisa won fan favorite and if rumors are true, Malcolm can work on his game play in the next round of Survivor.
I was sad when my two faves Amanda Brown and Trevin Hunte didn't make it to the finals. Trevin's song choice did him in but have no idea why Amanda didn't make it. She'd given great performance after great performance. That being said I was happy for Terry McDermott and Nicholas David. Two guys I liked from the beginning. I just didn't think they would go far based on their looks, boy was I was wrong. That's what I love about the Voice, they really try to make it about the voice.
Anyone who follows iTunes would not have been surprised by the winner. She was in the top 10 with every itunes song she had and if you crack the top 10 your votes count for 10 times as much. I didn't like this new twist but it is what it is. Cassadee Pope is a great singer, I don't know why I never connect with her the way I have with almost every contestant on the show but I'm happy for Team Blake even tho I wanted Team CeeLo to win, I heart him but I didn't think Nicholas would take it all the way.
CeeLo and Christina will be sitting out the next season of The Voice to work on other projects. Ever since that was announced I cheered the absence of Xtina but already started missing CeeLo. This show has really made me fall in love with him but based on this commercial I'm going to really enjoy the next season with Usher and Shakira. Nancy and I laughed our butts off watching this.