Technically it's not Friday but Fun Foto Saturday doesn't have the same ring to it. Consider this post a day late or 6 days early. Prior to Facebook I lived in Los Angeles for 8 years and I worked at the Museum of TV and Radio, now known as the Paley Center For Media. The pay sucked (unless you worked in the front office, oh the joys of non-profit) but there were definitely perks.
One of them was when we did the Freaks and Geeks screening for the shows that never aired due to it's cancellation. I was a huge fan of F&G. The moments were sometimes so real it was painful to watch. It was also where Judd Apatow met a lot of the guys he would continue to work with including Jason Segel.
Jason was 19 at the time he did F&G so I've been a fan of his for a long time. The screenings of the unaired episodes also included a seminar, it was great fun to have the cast and die hard fans there watching the shows together. At the end of the day I was hanging out in the lobby waiting for everyone to clear out and Jason who was one of the last to leave, was so genuine, he thanked everyone and gave the staff hugs as he was leaving. Seth Rogen who was on the show too looked at him like he was crazy, shrugged and also gave us hugs. It was really cute.
A year later Jason was on another Judd Apatow tv show called Undeclared. The museum featured the show in their annual television special. This show was also getting cancelled way too soon. Afterwards when everyone was clearing out I went up to Jason to get a pic with him. He was as nice as he was the year before, I asked him about the fact he didn't have a website, I should have volunteered to create one for him but he didn't want one. I got my photo with him and he asked, should we hug and I said yes, it's tradition and that's why I'm starting off Fun Foto Friday with Jason Segel, my pretend boyfriend.
I've loved following his career and he seems just as awesome now as when I met him when he was 19. Neither of us really has aged. FYI, my hair is that ghastly color because I was blonde and bleached out all color so every time I colored my hair when I was trying to go dark again it would wash out within 2 weeks. If I had known it was that much work to put color back in, I would have stayed a blonde.