This week I'm actually going to post Friday's foto on Friday. Something new I'm trying out. Today's pic is me at my first author signing. I've been a reader for a long time but for some reason never made it to a booksigning until 8 or 9 years ago. I was living in Los Angeles and had to drive out to the Valley but I was very excited to meet Suzanne Brockmann.
She writes amazing Navy S.E.A.L books with hot Alpha males. If you have never read her Troubleshooter books I highly recommend them. My only caveat is I didn't love the first couple of books but books 3 and 4 knocked my socks off and I thoroughly enjoyed her books after that. Due to the fact that there are recurring characters I think it helps to read from the first book but you could always start at book 3 and then go back if you want to get a feel for her.
Have you read SB before? What do you think? Either she's really tall or I'm really short, ok, maybe a little of both.