Les Miz Monday (updated with new video)

Since Les Meserables is coming out in a few weeks the publicity machine is out in full force but I've been able to contain myself and keep it all for one post.

The world premiere was last week in London and I am lady gaga over her dress! I've always thought low cut backs are sexy. 

Samantha Barks looks amazing in her dress. She's making the most of her red carpet experience and I love it! She was amazing as Eponine in the 25th Anniversary special and am so happy she's in the movie. 

The big red carpet disappointment is Amanda Seyfried. Do any of you like this dress? Here's a link to the rest of the dresses.

Hugh Jackmann was on Live with Kelly and Michael today and said Russell Crowe loved to sing and he would throw Friday night parties so the cast and crew could cut loose and everyone had to sing with him. Hugh said you had to show up with a karaoke song ready to go. Of course I would go with my ice breaker, "I Touch Myself" by the Divynyls. Would love to sing that with Russell! What would you sing with Russell?

Dianna Love shared this Hugh Jackmann interview from 60 Minutes on her FB page today and I had to share. It's an awesome interview and shows clips from the movie I hadn't seen yet. A definite must watch for fans of Hugh or fans of Les Miz. Sorry, couldn't embed it, here's the link. There are some fun other videos there too.

You know how much I love Les Miz but I saw this publicity still and thought someone really should have photoshopped it. That's an unfortunate wrinkle, LOL.

Found this video of Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman singing "The Confrontation" last weekend. It's awesome watching these two interact. You can tell they really like each other which I always enjoy. If you look at the rest of Between The Rock's videos there are more vids from that night including Hugh Jackman singing "The Letter" his karaoke song.

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