What I'm thankful for this year

Tis the season to be thankful! Unless you're from a really dysfunctional family, we're all thankful for our family and friends so I thought it would be fun to think of non-tradional reasons to be thankful. Here's my list:

I'm thankful that my eyes are bigger then my stomach, if my stomach was bigger then my eyes, well, it's not a pretty picture.

Speaking of pretty, I'm thankful that my mini-me is as pretty as the real me. 
I'm thankful for Ugg boots, they might be ugly but they are oh so comfortable and keep my feet warm in the winter months when I can't wear flip flips.

I'm thankful for Martinelli's sparkling cider, for those of us who want the bubbly without the booze. 

I'm thankful for the invention of the remote control so I don't have to watch commercials. 

I'm thankful for youtube which helped to keep the babies in place for more then 5 minutes while also teaching them their ABCs and 123s.

I'm thankful for crispy turkey skin! I love peeling it off of a turkey right out of the over, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

So peeps, what are you thankful for this year? No need to say you're thankful for having me in your life, I already know that (I'm thankful that I don't worry about false modesty). 

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